Sunday, June 29, 2014

Vocal Vaulting Basset

Abby - the Vocal Vaulting Basset 
"In my dreams I race rabbits and always win with my ears flapping like eagles wings behind me."

From paw to shoulder, Abby may only be a foot tall, but she packs a lot of heart (and 52 pounds) into her long Basset Hound frame.

Yes, every dog at the dog park can run zig zagging circles around her, but Abby still loves to play the game, and in true hound style she howls with enthusiasm, cheering everyone forward. When the taller dogs dash into the pond, Abby makes quite the sight splashing behind them with her long ears floating out next to her.

At home Abby entertains herself by jumping from the couch to the table and jumping from the table to the other side of the baby gate to get to her people. She's very clever at finding the best ways to jump over obstacles and practices her vertical leap daily over the drain pipe in her backyard.

Abby snuggles with Diana 
Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Devoted Diva Mini Doxie

Ruby - the Devoted Diva Mini Doxie
"My accomplishments include being a marvelous mother, a caring companion, and a master model of stylish canine clothes."

Long silky fur, burnished in silver, dipped in chocolate, and drizzled in carmel... a big description just for the lovely coat of this 12 pound beauty. Ruby, the Mini Dachshund, also carries a fine lineage to match her luxurious fur.

Fiercely independent and completely fascinated by people, Ruby refuses to live life in a gilded cage (or rather a soft-sided kennel). Try to contain her and she'll always find a way to escape and cuddle up to her fellow Doxie Onyx or her gal pal Megan.

And those reports you've heard of Ruby participating in weiner dog racing, untrue. This dappled diva does not Doxie Dash.

Ruby amuses Megan
Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nurturing Nuttball Shiba Inu Mix

Marny - the Nurturing Nuttball Shiba Inu Mix

"I don't wait for squirrels. I knock down the trees they hide in."

Marny goes after what she wants full tilt. Streaking by you in a flash of amber, this Shiba Inu and German Shepherd mix runs and races and rushes wherever she goes.

And that's all natural energy, although Marny did have a minor youthful indiscretion with pharmaceuticals. Dressed in the "cone of shame" after her spay surgery, Marny felt she deserved a treat and snarfed down an entire bottle of elderly dog supplements. . . and part of a book. Billions find reading books very informative, but some lessons you must earn through experience.

Marny does know the stuff that really counts. After a sudden, family tragedy, Marny stepped up to give comfort to her girl, offering cuddles and kindness. As part German Shepherd, Marny works tirelessly to protect her loved ones, body, mind, and soul.

Marny holds still with encouragement from Briana & Vincent 

Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Unusually Uninhibited Tabby

Mitzy - the Unusually Uninhibited Tabby 
"These boots are made for walking." 

Dressed to go out with snowy slippers on her front paws and white boots on her back paws, Mitzy is a cat about town. While this Tabby enjoys hanging out with her people in her own territory, this adventurous lady will (somewhat) happily wear a leash to boldly follow her people into the unknown.

Mitzy also thinks humans are fascinating and will eagerly greet almost anyone with a delicate sniff and a reassuring head bop. People who smell of yummy food get priority acceptance with Mitzy.

Mitzy and Selena take a cuddle break after a long walk 
Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kooky Kindred Parrot

Hector - the Kooky Kindred Parrot  
"I don't ask 'who is a pretty bird?' Because we all know it is I. Hector!"

At 31 years old, Hector the Orange Wing Amazon Parrot is not only very colorful, he's lived quite a colorful life. Unfortunately, this talkative bird doesn't share any of those stories with his bird rescuing family.

What he does share is a playful attitude and a tight grip on the attentions of his main guy Joe. Hector, also enjoys razzing on his little human brother, Sam. And Sam enjoys laughing when Hector falls over trying to wrestle free from his bird harness. As they say, boys will be boys, and birds will be birdie!

Hector and Zeke hang out with their family and feathered flock

Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas