Friday, February 28, 2014

Gourmet Gobbler Lab Mix

Embry - the Gourmet Gobbler Lab Mix 
"Let me eat cake!"

This 70 pound, kitchen counter surfer learned the hard way the importance of being stealthy. On one of Embry's first days in his new home he jumped, whole dog, on the counter to claim some awesome smelling people food. Despite his athletic pedigree as a Black Lab and Border Collie mix, Embry immediately fell off the kitchen counter into a pile of frustratingly, famished fur.

Embry enjoys walks with his people, but that's the extent of his physical endeavors (that don't involve food).

This labrador mix even hates water. He refuses to go near a bathroom, and jumping in a lake would be downright icky.

In his 6 years of dogged observation, Embry has learned a number of useful tricks. His greatest caper involved stealing and devouring an entire cake!

Embry begs for belly rubs from his guy, Mitch

Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas

Friday, February 21, 2014

People Pack Pooch

Riley - the People Pack Pooch
"My people are my whole world."

That howling, hound sound down the block belongs to Riley, the Wheaton Terrier, whose heart breaks anytime he's not surrounded by adoring family.

Too dramatic? Not for Riley. He may seem like an easy going fellow when his people are in view, but Riley has been known to go jump in a lake, just to get to his family. He's even ridden a jet ski.

All that dedication does come with some sacrifices. Recently when his boy, Andrew, suffered from a sick bug Riley refused to go on a car ride (a big time favorite for Riley) to stay by his side. That's just what you do when you're an important member of an active people pack.

Riley enjoys a neck rub from Abby, while guarding Samantha's yummy treats

Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Xtremely Xpressive XXL Newfy

Ruby - the Xtremely Xpressive XXL Newfy

"You said there would be kids. Are the kids coming? Where are the kids?"

If there are kids there, Ruby wants to be there. Even if she has to put on fairy wings and walk around the neighborhood as a "Minnesota Mosquito" for Halloween.

Graceful in the water and gracious on land, Ruby embodies all of the best traits of the Newfoundland breed. Trained in water rescue and certified as a therapy dog, this big dog (120 pounds) has big thoughts, and they are most often about others, no matter what their size.

You can often find Ruby in a parade, on the lake, at the library, or even hanging around a university during finals week.

Ruby may be one of the biggest dogs you'll ever meet, but don't worry, she'll always make room for more friends, including a few therapy chickens and guinea pigs! (Note: no chickens or guinea pigs have been harmed or eaten by Ruby.)

Ruby and Karima laugh at a funny story

Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original $250

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Boxing Bovine Cat

"Rules and roles are meant to be broken."

Willfulness. Yep, willful describes everything about Peanuts. This is a cow-coated, domestic cat with his, oops, her own mind. 

Actually, Peanuts was considered to be a boy, right up to the moment the vet called with x-rays in hand. "Peanuts is a girl!"

Born in a barn and abandoned, Peanuts adopted a new mother who bottle fed her until she got stronger. You'd think that well-seasoned farmer would have known about the boy's and the girl's stuff, but Peanuts never does things like you'd expect.

The "no fur where there is food" rule doesn't seem to stick with this frequent kitchen counter surfer.

And when you try to pet Peanuts, she prefers a boxing match -- up on her hind legs, front paws in the sky, and ready to go ten rounds.

A finicky eater from the start, Peanuts prefers to separate her chef's medley kibble by scooping it out of the bowl, eating her favorite flavors, and leaving the rest to scatter across the hard wood. The dog is the only one who approves of this activity.

Peanuts as an unhappy pillow for Charley the Chow mix

Watercolor & Ink
8" by 10"
Cold Pressed Paper, Matted & Framed 12 3/4" by 16 3/4"
Original *SOLD

Prints, Custom Framed Prints, and Stretched Canvas starting at $15
Purchase Prints & Canvas